Biathlon: French Antonin Guigonnat and Lou Jeanmonnot second from relay behind Norway

The tricolor relay took second place in the Simple Mixed Relais of the World Cup, in Pokljuka, Slovenia, Sunday January 8, behind the Norwegians Vetle Christiansen and Ingrid Tandrevold.

By Valentin Moinard

The days follow each other and look alike for the French Biathlon team. After the third place of Julia Simon and the second of Quentin Fillon Maillet on Saturday, during the prosecution, the French team again climbed the podium during the simple mixed world cup relay, in Pokljuka (Slovenia), Sunday January 8. The doublet composed of Antonin Guigonnat and Lou Jeanmonnot took second place, only beaten by the Intouchable Norwegians, Vetle Christiansen and Ingrid Tandrevold. Switzerland completes the podium.

In this ultra-spectacular format (the two relayers each making two passages on the track, each time two shots, a bed and a standing), the Blues have always been at the end of the race. And if they lacked the target in all six times, their speed has made the difference against the other teams, whether on the shot or on the track. Starting with Sweden, which completely fell in love with the end of the race and finished in tenth place.

On the French side, the two relayers were at the level. World champion of the discipline in 2021 alongside Julia Simon, Antonin Guigonnant transmitted the last relay to his teammate in second position. And Lou Jeanmonnot held out during his final visit, despite his young age (24 years old). She got rid of the Swiss Amy Basenga in the last cross -country ski loop to cross the line with margin.

This race confirms the return in the form of the French team this weekend in Slovenia. Since the start of the season, it was mainly counting on the exploits of Julia Simon, current leader in the general classification of the World Cup.

/Media reports cited above.