The former Levallois-Perret councilors have also received sorrows, each, of 100,000 euros fine and ten years of ineligibility.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
The Paris Court of Appeal sentenced, Monday, January 9, Patrick and Isabelle Balkany respectively at four and a half and three and a half years in prison for money laundering. The former Levallois-Perret councilors (Hauts-de-Seine) also received sentences, each, of 100,000 euros fine and ten years of ineligibility.
The jurisdiction also ordered a total confusion of these sanctions with those of three years’ firm pronounced in the tax fraud component of the Balkany case. For their lawyers, this decision means that Patrick Balkany, who spent a little less than a year in detention, will not return to prison in this case, and that his wife will not be imprisoned.
In May 2020, the former mayor Les Républicains (LR) and his ex-assistant ex-premier, 74 and 75 years old today, had been inflicted on appeal five and four years of imprisonment, as well as the same penalties of fine and ineligibility. The Court of Cassation then definitively confirmed their guilt, but it partially canceled the decision and ordered a new trial solely over the duration of the penalties. 2> 13 million euros in assets hidden at the tax H2>
Monday, the Court of Appeal also pronounced the confiscation of the usufruct of the Moulin de Cossey, in Giverny (Eure), where the couple resides and whose children are bare owners. They were finally ordered to pay 400,000 euros in damages to the State, a substantially reduced amount compared to the million euros pronounced in May 2020.
In this part, the couple was found guilty of having concealed between 2007 and 2014 some 13 million euros in assets at the taxman, including two villas in the Caribbean and Morocco. Patrick Balkany was also convicted of illegal taking of interests, the justice having considered that he had benefited from “personal advantages” in kind within the framework of a real estate contract of the city of Levallois-Perret, which he was Mayor from 1983 to 1995 then from 2001 to 2020.