Emmanuel Macron’s desire to carry out the retirement site reflects his concern for not seeing the borrowing rates of France increase.
by elsa conesa
She risks costing so much to report so little … This pension reform, should we really do it? For the past few weeks, a small music has been settling in a part of the opinion, and even in certain economic circles. Six billion euros released by 2027, according to the costing published in the fall budgetary documents. The same as in the presidential program of candidate Macron – 9 billion, from which the “support measures” must be subtracted to make the potion acceptable.
Well -skinny recipes, reported to the hundreds of billions disbursed to support the economy since 2020, during the crisis due to the COVVI -19 then in the face of that of energy – “Chickpeas in the couscous!”, quips an expert in employers. How to explain that the absence of reform will cause the bankruptcy of the system, when we found hundreds of billions when it was bad?
Also in the majority, doubts are emerging. Several macronist deputies believe that the executive has not sufficiently explained to the French the goal of the reform. The ambiguities of the report of the pension orientation council (COR), in which everyone seems to find the scenario that suits them, sowed confusion. And the social climate, against a background of persistent inflation, is opposing. However, in a distribution pension system, confidence is key, underline the specialists. The system may be unbalanced, it is necessary to adhere of assets, and not only that of retirees who support the reform massively.
The government, which very early on mourning the country’s adhesion, is aware of this ambient skepticism. “There is a doubt about the conclusions of the COR report, even among voters who are not necessarily left, we admit to Bercy. We have a need to tell the story of why we make this reform.” In early December , the scenarios disseminated to the social partners by the Ministry of Labor has appropriately revealed very superior, spectacular even, because measured on a distant time horizon: 32.8 billion saved by 2035 with a decline from 62 to 65 years ( Without taking into account the support measures), 22.1 billion by combining a decline in age at 64 and an acceleration of the Touraine reform. The reform would generate 12 billion additional tax and social revenue in 2027, indicates Gabriel Attal, the Minister Delegate to the Budget, in an interview In the Sunday Journal, January 8 . “Without reform, there will be 500 billion additional debt over twenty-five years,” he says. It is reform or bankruptcy. “
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