The head of state defended a change of course and rhythm. Among the major announcements, the end of act pricing and an administrative and medical tandem at the head of hospitals.
by Mattea Battaglia
Some immediately praised a “clear diagnosis”, a “precise calendar”, the “opening of perspectives”, the “outing of denial”. Others already point to the “absence of quantified commitments”, a “vague on alternatives” or on the “method”.
One thing is certain: by sending its wishes to the world of health, Friday, January 6, first exercise of its kind since his accession to the Elysée in 2017, Emmanuel Macron came out of “deafening silence” – an expression of the collective Pediatrics – that for weeks reproached him for weeks, a large fringe of caregivers, liberals as hospital, struggling with an inheritance of crises and an unprecedented health context. To the point of hesitating, for some of them, between mobilization and/or renunciation.
In front of nursing staff at the Corbeil-Essonnes hospital (Essonne), who did not hide their exhaustion, the President of the Republic defended a change of course and rhythm: he promised to “go Much faster, much stronger and [to] make radical decisions “. Way of recognizing that previous measures, including the segur of health so often cited as an example, were not enough.
At the Elysée, the previous evening, after a day of demonstration, in Paris, of several thousand liberal doctors, the presidential entourage spared suspense, promising “very concrete measures, with clauses precise and close reviews to ensure their execution “. These have, in fact, punctuated this speech of an hour, even if some of them, we are already in the circles and the unions of caregivers, are inspired by past commitments, when Others remain to be specified and/or budget.
a reform of the financing and governance of the hospital
flagship announcement, the end of “pricing to the activity of health establishments”, or T2A, according to the acronym in force, must be acted in the next Social Security budget – that of 2024, therefore, The budget for 2023 having just been adopted with 49.3. This mode of remuneration for the hospital, introduced almost twenty years ago, and which makes part of the resources of health establishments, public as private, depend on the number of acts and stays recorded, has, for its detractors, Encouraged the “race for profitability” and the most profitable acts. And nourished, ultimately, the “infernal cadence” whose caregivers report.
“Nobody can no longer bear that establishments are made visible competition,” said the president, evoking a pricing which “creates a lot of dysfunctions” and “does not take into account not programmed care”, likewise that the care “which takes time” like pediatrics, psychiatry …
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