Cybercriminals stole $ 272 million from Ray-Ban accounts

This week, the federal judge rejected the lawsuit against JP Morgan Chase Bank, according to which, due to the negligence of the Bank, Cybercriminals stole $ 272 million from the Ray-Ban account in 2019.

District Judge of the United States Lewis Liman rejected the statement that JP Morgan violated his agreement and He showed negligence, but added that the company Essilorluxottica (EMTC, the parent company Ray-Ban) may file a lawsuit with a request from the bank compensation for damage.

According to claim , cybercriminals made 243 fraudulent payments and deduced as a total of $ 272.1 Mill. From the EMTC account in the New York branch of JP Morgan Bank. The money was deposited to various sub -strokes and dummies around the world. Essilorluxottica managed to return only $ 172 million

Essilorluxottica also stated that “from mid -September 2019 to mid -December 2019, EMTC has repeatedly exceeded its daily overdraft limit, but JP Morgan did not.” Daily transfers from the account in New York should have been limited to $ 10 million, but sometimes exceeded this amount “by more than $ 20 million.”

In addition, JP Morgan Bank said that Essilor could not sue the bank, “since the EMTC was not the sender of payment orders and, therefore, could not get compensation.”

/Media reports cited above.