Faced with saturation of patient care, the claims of doctors and other professionals are increasing. They await answers from Emmanuel Macron, who must present his wishes to health players on Friday.
by Mattea Battaglia
The saturation of the care system is played out from the calendar. The year 2023 began, for the caregivers, under the same auspices as 2022 had ended: Ile-de-France resuscitation services at the Samu de Rouen, emergencies of Metz-Thionville-the very ones where François Braun exercised before Be appointed Minister of Health – to the Centers of SOS doctors, the lights, one after the other, turned red in these first days of January. And even in “bright red”, we comment in the services and medical offices taken by storm.
The current period between Christmas and New Year’s Day had been qualified as “week of all dangers” by the Minister of Health during a trip, on December 28, at the Annecy-Genevois hospital center (High -Savoie). In question, the conjunction recognized as unprecedented of several factors: an epidemic “triple vague” – mixing covid, flu and bronchiolitis – coming to weigh on already overloaded hospital services, a strike movement among liberal doctors, taking the authorities, And, always, beds closed to the hospital, caregivers in insufficient numbers, despite calls for the “sacred union” repeated by the government. Despite, also, the warnings launched, in the fall, by professionals on the front line-starting with pediatricians.
“The mobilization of personnel is absolutely complete and the system manages to hold,” wanted to reassure, on December 28, François Braun. And after ? “Will he keep” again in January? The question resonated, on the ground, on the eve of the wishes of Emmanuel Macron in the world of health, Friday, January 6. While the health situation remains tense on the fronts of the flu and the COVID-19, with the emergence of new variants, that the challenges of protest in professionals multiply and harden, the context calls for an “urgent” political response , we hammer in the ranks of unions and health collectives.
“We will have a plan, where we are going, how we go, what are the stages”, promised François Braun, Thursday morning, on the set of “4 truths” of France 2, in reference to presidential announcements at to come. Pending the promised “refoundation”, the caregivers evoke – and fear – a month of “black January”. At many levels.
in emergencies, fever of numbers
The crowds in emergency services, the gateway to the public hospital, has found many encrypted translations in recent weeks. We counted the “daily passages” and the “capacity”, the calls “upstream” and the “downstream” beds, the hours spent in the waiting room, the patients “sorted”, welcomed, transferred … a statistics Nouvelle has just been paid to the debate: that of “unexpected deaths” identified by the Samu Emergencies de France union – formerly chaired by François Braun – and declared by his network of members. “It may seem macabre, but it is the ultimate means that we have found to strengthen our countless alerts,” explains Dominique Savary, member of the organization’s board of directors. Between the 1 er December and January 4, the counting rose to 34, but “it is probably very underestimated”, continues this doctor working in Angers: only around forty emergency services , out of more than 600 in France, participated in the “collection”. Until now, Samu Emergencies de France has had the “stretcher patients” forced to spend the night in a corridor. This concerned, in one year, 26,390 people.
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