The deputies will vote next Tuesday on the bill which aims to accelerate the development of renewable energies.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
Their verdict on the first major “green” law of the five -year term was eagerly awaited. The environmental deputies will abstain on the bill for accelerating renewable energies (ENR), whose vote takes place on Tuesday, they announced in a press release, Thursday January 5, judging that the text “misses the ‘Ambition displayed “.
The bill “could have been a great text that would have marked the beginning of change. Let’s be clear, this is not the case today,” write the environmental deputies. “At this stage, the environmental group has decided to abstain,” they continue in the press release, stressing that “the path of this text is not finished, and following this first reading, it is still possible to ‘lead to a reinforced text, during the joint joint commission or in second reading “.
“We have the fear that the bill will still be degraded. It is an abstention from reserve, waiting,” explains the deputy Charles Fournier, leader of his group on this text, in the Sunday Journal . “No objective, no funding, no measure to strengthen the ability to do, an unfinished planning mechanism …”, list the deputies in their press release, to justify their decision.
“Many proposals”
Ecologists had initially expressed their wish not to block this text in advance on renewable energies, saying open to discussion with the majority. They recall that they have formulated “many proposals” such as “the obligation to lay photovoltaic panels on shopping centers and public buildings, the implementation of a public approval of developers, a clearer planning process …”.
But “this text does not fix any ambition more than it allocates effective means”, they deplore, affirming that “environmentalists cannot decently let imp anynity that this text will bring the solutions that France needs “. For them, “the government is faced with a strategic choice: to persevere without objective or means adapted to the emergency or to offer real perspectives to the French by really accelerating renewable energies. If he chooses the latter option, he can count on our support “.