LR: CIOTTI challenged to compose management team, without arousing “divisions”

Anxious to protect himself from the accusations of “locking”, the new president of the Party Les Républicains wants to integrate elected officials close to his former opponents, Aurélien Pradié and Bruno Retailleau. Which already makes teeth tooth grind.

by mattias corrasco

In political parties, winning a ballot is one thing. Constitting a management team and establishing its political line, while respecting the different balances, is another. It is to this difficult balancingist game that Eric Ciotti indulges. Three weeks after his victory, the new president of the Les Républicains Party (LR) continues the negotiations with his former opponents – the boss of the right -wing senators Bruno Retailleau and the deputy for the Lot Aurélien Pradié -, with the objective of integrating their troops In the new direction, which should be unveiled next week, in the middle of a buried political school year.

“I want to bring together – on right -wing ideas – those in front of me. I will work in unity, in clarity.” These were the words of Eric Ciotti in the TF1 newspaper, December 11 , on the evening of his victory. A few days to know the official LR organization chart, the corridor noises seem to respond to the enacted promises. Because the one who had assured that he wanted to put the right on the right to the candidacy of Laurent Wauquiez for the next presidential election of 2027 seems to have the concern to take advantage of the accusations of “locking”.

In play, in particular, the function of delegated vice-president, which is a number 2 of the party. For this strategic position, the name of Aurélien Pradié is most often cited. He who had stood out with his iconoclastic positions, in particular by his fierce opposition to the decline of the legal retirement age, during the campaign for the presidency of LR. If the entourage of the Lot deputy is delighted with this probable promotion, the supports of Bruno Retailleau are concerned about it. In the midst of a debate on pension reform, some fear that Mr. Pradié plays on “an absolute demarcation logic” on a subject likely to divide internally.

Vice-president, “it is a position of representation, therefore by definition more political and more exposed” than that of secretary general, occupied by Mr. Pradié before, analyzes the deputy of Haute-Savoie Virginie Duby- Muller. A more risky function therefore. Especially since the bicéphale executive of the party has not, in the past, not spared the divisions: Virginie Calmels, and Guillaume Peltier, respectively delegated vice-presidents of Laurent Wauquiez and Christian Jacob, had been dismissed from the post Due to ideological disagreements with the boss of their training. “The delegated vice-presidency is a little cursed, indeed”, continues the elected.

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/Media reports cited above.