Electronics: CES of Las Vegas wants to get out of all-left

To revive, the Consumer Electronics Show, which takes place until January 8 in Nevada, tries to give himself a reason to be.

by Vincent Fagot

This year again, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) of Las Vegas (Nevada) is caught up in the epidemic of Covid-19. At the last minute, the organizers of what is considered to be the largest global electronics fair, which is held from Thursday 5 to Sunday 8 January, decided to impose the presentation of a negative test on visitors arriving From China, Hongkong and Macao, while the pandemic left more beautiful in the Middle Empire. This could alter the event frequentation figures.

While CES had attracted around 175,000 exhibitors and visitors in 2020, it only stood in distant the following year and had only counted 45,000 participants in 2022. This year, the demonstration hopes to mobilize a hundred thousand people. Not yet a return to normal, but the confirmation of a recovery.

Same observation on the side of the exhibitors – they should be nearly 3,000, against 2,200 in 2022 – or the extent of this large raout which will mobilize an area of ​​195,000 square meters in Sin City (“Cité du sin “), against only 130,000 last year.

The theme of” human security “

To reassure visitors against the risks of coronavirus contamination, various measures have been taken: enlargement of alleys, management of entries and outputs so that visitors do not have to touch the door handles, distribution of kits D ‘self -test…

The Big Tech, such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Meta (formerly Facebook) or Intel, will therefore be back in Las Vegas, they who had pale pale during the previous edition.

For the first time, the CES has set itself a theme for this edition, that of “human security for all”. A way to move away from the gadgets, which have made its reputation, to demonstrate now that technology can be at the service of the major challenges of humanity: ecology, access to food, health. “This is the big change in this edition,” claims Kinsey Fabrizio, vice-president of the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), the living room organizer.

 An exhibitor present The mature auditor of a lawyer ONETHIRD, before the start of the electronics fair for consumer public, on Tuesday January 3, 2023, in Las Vegas (Nevada). The device is designed to give the best time when the lawyer is ready to be consumed, without damaging it.
An exhibitor presents the Awethird Avocate maturity auditor, before the start of the general public electronics fair, Tuesday, January 3 2023, in Las Vegas (Nevada). The device is designed to give the best time when the lawyer is ready to be consumed, without damaging it. John Locher/AP

200 French start-up

An observation that Thomas Husson, analyst in Forrester. “It is a pivot that these have been trying to do for a few years already: to become the high mass of innovation in the broad sense, including in matters of artificial or robotics. The laws spent in the United States , like inflation Reduction Act [which aim to increase the sovereignty of the country in strategic sectors], should arouse, among other things, a growing interest around “sustainable” innovation, batteries or capture and storage technologies carbon. “

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/Media reports cited above.