Designed for “digital natives”, the series of short videos presented by youtubers or influencers should seduce beyond the targeted generation.
by Catherine Pacary
“Discovering photos of us naked is commonplace.” The assertion may surprise or, on the contrary, seem trivial – depending on age, very often. It is extracted from “sextory” (contraction of “sex” and “extortion”), one of the three episodes of the series on the digital traps posted on France.TV in December. And this first salvo of videos should affect a large audience, far beyond the targeted generation.
The series was indeed designed for “digital natives”, born after 1984, after a study on The local government association , spokesperson for local British communities, said that 18-34 year olds are more likely to be victims of Online scam only the fifties. The designers therefore adopted their codes: short videos and presentation by youtubers or influencers.
Jüne Pla, 38 years old, illustrator and founder of enjoyment.Club – 985,000 subscribers on Instagram -, thus evokes the difficult subject of blackmail to the false broadcast of compromising sex videos, which can lead to suicide. As evidenced by Adeline, Matéo’s sister, found hanged in her room.
Jüne PLA remains smiling to warn against the “friends” who claim “nudes” (naked photos) or against the “Fisha” accounts, which broadcast intimate images of young people without their consent. Above all, she wants to guilty the victims, repeats that “anyone can be trapped”, and explains what to do if it happens – the emergency number is 3018.
practical advice
Another tone, funny, another look, all in black, for Sandoz (484,000 subscribers on Youtube), who came to decrypt fraud to the CPF (personal training account) – while the government filed, on December 10, a Amendment to the 2023 budget draft project establishing the principle of a moderator ticket…
Since 2018, this Alsatian denounces “grazers” (net scams) in videos with sometimes flowery language. Nothing unmoved, here. He relies on the testimonies of scams to emphasize that “as money does not come out of their pocket, no one thought of file complaint”, before going up the training sectors.
At the same time, Sandoz returns to the creation of the CPF in 2018 and its unexpected success, then addresses practical advice. While we would like more details, Laurent Durain, director of the vocational training of the Caisse des Dépôts, imposes his conciseness: “A proposal which is too beautiful … is too beautiful.”