Elisabeth Borne hires last round of negotiations on pension reform

The Prime Minister must receive the social partners on Tuesday and Wednesday for latest interviews on this controversial reform, which will be presented on January 10.

MO12345lemonde with AFP

Last discussion in sight. One week before the presentation of the pension reform, the flagship project of the second term of Emmanuel Macron, Elisabeth Borne, the Prime Minister must receive the social partners on Tuesday and Wednesday for last interviews on this controversial reform, to which S ‘ opposes a majority of French in the flammable context of a purchasing power cropped by inflation.

All unions and most of the oppositions dispute the executive project to gradually postpone the starting age from 62 to 65 years, or 64 years old with an extension of the contribution duration.

The postponement of its presentation from December 15 to January 10, certainly allowed the government’s chef to hear, before Christmas, the political groups and then, this week, the social partners. But Emmanuel Macron remains determined: “This year will be that of a pension reform” applied “at the end of the summer”, he hammered Saturday during his wishes to the French. The President of the Republic spoke on Saturday a “extension (of) progressive work careers” over “almost ten years”. The reform will take into account “long careers, minced quarries, the difficulty of certain tasks”, it will allow “to balance the funding” of the system and “improve minimum retirement”, he argued. The executive hopes at least, thanks to the measures on arduousness, an “absence of frontal opposition” of the CFDT, underlines an advisor.

All unions ready to mobilize

Elisabeth Borne nevertheless hopes to join the Republicans, favorable to a postponement of age. To this end, she must review their president Eric Ciotti. Without LR, the government, which has only a relative majority, would be forced to use article 49.3 of the Constitution, which allows the adoption of a text without a vote.

For the first time in 12 years and the Woerth reform (which had noted the legal age from 60 to 62 years) all unions are ready to mobilize together against the announced reform. Including the CFDT, on a firmer line since its last congress against any “age measure”.

M me bound will find it difficult to coax his boss Laurent Berger, who expressed his anger by discovering just before Christmas, in the draft decree reforming unemployment insurance, “a provision Even harder for the unemployed without being discussed in consultation “.

It is by the mobilization “in the street” that it will be possible to “back down” the pension reform, warned Monday the new boss of Europe-Ecology-Les Verts, Marine Tondelier. “It will heat in January”, predicted on Saturday the founder of La France Insoumise Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

“There are only retirees, 65 years and over, who declare themselves favorable to this reform, notes Frédéric Dabi, director of the IFOP Institute. Frédéric Dabi always sees “a context of” jaunization vests “” of French society, with “the work that pays badly”, a “feeling of decline” and an “inflation which did not exist in 2018”. “The ferments of a social explosion are there” and a “spark could ignite everything”, he warns.

Reform pensions in France “is always very complicated”, moreover in a climate “marked by strong tensions on purchasing power” and wages, underlines Jérôme Fourquet, director of opinion at Ifop. An exercise all the more delicate when the government presents other disputed texts in particular on immigration and renewable energies. But, for Mr. Fourquet, a pension reform, “it is also wages given to our European partners” to “negotiate a” form of whatever it costs “”. Brice Teinturier, from the Ipsos Institute, remains cautious on the extent of the mobilization because the context “is not very favorable to collective dynamics”.

/Media reports cited above.