Unemployment insurance: decrease in government does not reassure unions

The Prime Minister has announced that it will return to the possibility of reducing the compensation duration by 40 % if the unemployment rate was less than 6 %, but refers the subject to a future negotiation.

by Thibaud Métais

Tactical recoil or true scraper? Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne announced Tuesday, January 2, on Franceinfo, to return to the possibility of reducing the compensation for job seekers by 40 % when the unemployment rate goes below 6 % of the active population. A measure entered in the draft decree on unemployment insurance transmitted to the social partners on December 23, 2022.

“We wanted to be transparent by displaying all the situations and rules that apply, including if the unemployment rate goes below 6 %,” said Elisabeth Borne. The draft decree in question is linked to the law on the “functioning of the labor market”, which was published, Thursday, December 21, 2022, in the Official Journal . The text plans to modulate the number of days during which a job seeker receives an allowance, depending on the unemployment rate. A principle of “contracyclicity” promised by Emmanuel Macron during the presidential campaign.

But, until December 23, the measure chosen in the reform and presented to the social partners was the application of a “reducing coefficient” of 0.75 resulting in a reduction of 25 % of the duration of compensation for New unemployed from 1 er February, if the unemployment rate is less than 9 %, as is currently the case, at 7.3 %. During the press conference following the presentation of the reform, on November 21, 2022, the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, had mentioned the hypothesis of a stronger reduction if full employment, around 5 % of unemployment, was reached. But neither the rate at 6 % nor the 40 % drop had been mentioned.

final discussions on pension reform

The Ministry of Labor, which rejects any idea of ​​”turn on the wing”, assures that the decision to withdraw this part of the decree was taken after exchanges between Olivier Dussopt and the Prime Minister. “I hear that this point may not be sufficiently the subject of discussions, so we will withdraw it, this third level of the decree which will come into force at 1 er February, and We will put this subject back in consultation on future rules of unemployment insurance, “said Elisabeth Borne.

While the Prime Minister receives the social partners Tuesday, January 3 and Wednesday, January 4 for final discussions on the pension reform, which is to be presented Tuesday, January 10, this poisoned gift on Christmas has been particularly badly received by trade unions. Both in shape and on the bottom. If they have obviously greeted the decline in the government, they nevertheless care about all enthusiasm. “The worst remains to come at 1 er February with the 25 % drop in the duration of compensation which does not move,” recalls Denis Gravouil, who manages the file to the CGT. “It is a good thing that the government withdraws this provision, adds Marylise Léon, number two of the CFDT. But the fact that it is put by surprise this way shows that it was DIY or they did not want tell us everything. “

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/Media reports cited above.