The High Administrative Jurisdiction has canceled a sanction deemed “too weak” appeal against Jean-Luc Coronel de Boissezon by the disciplinary body of higher education, which is called upon to revive its judgment.
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retirement or final revocation: the disciplinary body of the university community must choose between these two options, to rule on the case of law professor Jean-Luc Coronel de Boissezon after his participation, on the night of 22 As of March 23, 2018, to a violent evacuation of students who protested against the creation of Parcoursup by occupying an amphitheater of the Faculty of Law of Montpellier.
This is the request of the Council of State, in a Decision From December 30, 2022 , where the high administrative court denounces the sanction, which it deems “too weak”, pronounced on appeal by the National Council of Higher Education and Research (CNEser), in March 2022 . This had drastically reduced the sanction of revocation pronounced at first instance, in January 2019, by the disciplinary section of the Academic Council of Sorbonne University, the case having been disoriented. He had preferred a simple suspension, for a period of four years, with a salary deprivation.
For his defense, the professor, aggregated in law, had not denied having participated in the events, but had challenged to be the organizer of the hooded “commando”, provided with wooden boards and a pistol with electric impulse . His lawyer had quoted the dean of the Faculty of Law, Philippe Pétel, as “the principal”. An argument which had convinced the members of the disciplinary CNEser, but not the Minister of Higher Education, Sylvie Retailleau, who had finally seized the Council of State, in cassation, to request the cancellation of the judgment of the body.
“severity of faults”
In his decision of December 30, the High Administrative Jurisdiction recalls that the investigation confirmed that Jean-Luc Coronel de Boissezon participated in the events and that he himself wore. For these actions, the Montpellier Criminal Court, by a judgment of July 2, 2021 (which is the subject of an appeal not yet tried), retained the premeditated nature of the violence in meeting and the direct participation of the professor, ordering it At a fourteen month imprisonment sentence, including eight months suspended, accompanied by a complementary sentence of prohibition of any public function or employment for a period of one year.
The Council of State recalls that the Education Code provides seven levels of disciplinary sanctions, ranging from blame to revocation, for teacher-researchers and members of bodies of higher education teachers who have committed a Failing in the exercise of their functions. In view of “the severity of the faults of Jean-Luc Coronel de Boissezon”, the sanction inflicted by the Cneser, which corresponds to the 5 e level of sanction possible, is “too low”, precise, of Explicitly, the Council of State, in a press release published on its website.
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