School teachers will intervene in 6ᵉ for an hour of additional support, PAP NDIAYE announces

The measure announced by the Minister of National Education, Wednesday, on BFM-TV, aims to respond to the difficulties of students in French and mathematics and to facilitate the passage of primary school to college.

By Eléa Pommiers

Pap Ndiaye continues her announcements on the dropper. Expected for several months but repeatedly repelled, measures for the college were unveiled on Wednesday January 4 by the Minister of National Education. The tenant of the rue de Grenelle announced on RMC-BFM-TV the generalization of the “Duties made” system and the creation of a weekly hour of “deepening in French and in mathematics” for students of 6 e according to their school level. New fact, this additional hour will not be provided by college teachers, but by school teachers who will intervene in establishments.

The measure aims to respond, explained the minister, to a “major difficulty with regard to fundamental knowledge”. Entry evaluations in 6 e show that “27 % of students do not have the level required in French and a third party do not have the level in mathematics,” said Pap Ndiaye. This will also allow a “best stapling between primary school and college,” he said.

The Minister has several times, since taking office, describes the passage in 6 e as a “too strong rupture” which “strengthens school inequalities rather than it reduces”. The announced system is modeled on that of the “6 springboard” experienced in six colleges of the Academy of Amiens since the start of the 2022 school year, but of which no evaluation has yet been made.

“cosmetics” measurement

The main teaching unions welcome this announcement with circumspection, stressing, such as Stéphane Crochet for SE-UNSA, “organizational difficulties for school teachers” who are already emerging in the experiment of Amiens. Above all, they see it as a “cosmetics” measure, in the words of Sophie Venetitay, secretary general of SNES-FSU, the first secondary union, while the minister had spoken in September of the college as “the sick man of the system “. “A homeopathic treatment” which will not allow to work over time on the difficulties of the students “, she adds.

After his gallery published in MO12345lemonde on December 22, 2022, in which he read “harsh observations” on the school, evoking the level of students and “general distrust” towards the school system to justify the need for reforms , the Minister is expected by the educational community on more concrete measures. This is particularly the case concerning school diversity, which he said that he had made a “priority”. He repeated on Wednesday that announcements would be made “soon” on the subject.

/Media reports cited above.