About 8 % to 10 % of men is affected by a depression following a birth. A pathology which can manifest itself by anger, irritability, even a consumption of alcohol or drugs.
If postpartum depression (DPP) among mothers begins to be well documented, this same pathology among fathers is still a taboo and is only the subject of very few studies. It is however a real problem, since it is estimated that the paternal DPP affects 8 % to 10 % of fathers around the world in the year following the birth of their child.
Like any other depression, it is a multifactorial disease. But according to Doctor Sarah Tebeka, psychiatrist at Louis-Mourier Hospital (Public Assistance-Hospitals in Paris, AP-HP), in Colombes (Hauts-de-Seine), and researcher, “we can draw a parallel between Fathers and mothers: precariousness, psychiatric history, difficult pregnancy, social upheaval or lack of sleep occurring with the arrival of a baby are all factors that can trigger a DPP in one or the other parents “.
However, in fathers, the DPP can manifest itself differently. Where a mother will especially express sadness, a father will be able to manifest anger and irritability. Sarah Tebeka adds: “They also develop alcoholism or consumption of illicit products.”
This pathology is not to be taken lightly. Indeed, according to the psychiatrist, “fathers, like mothers, play a central role in the development of the child, as much in positive as in negative”. The depression of a father can also weigh on the mother’s mental health. It is therefore important to take measures that will reduce the risk of paternal DPP.
amazing result
A study by the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) piloted by researcher Maria Melchior and published Wednesday January 4, finally, showed the positive effects of paternity leave on mental health of fathers .
The researchers were based on a sample from the Elf cohort (18,000 children born in 2011 in France, and their parents) and were interested in the effects of this leave, of a duration of fourteen days at the time, on the prevalence of the DPP in both parents, two months after the birth of the child. The study shows that 5.7 % of fathers who did not take this leave develop a DPP when only 4.5 % of those who have chosen to stop present this pathology.
Even fathers who have scheduled parental leave, but not having taken it in the first two months (they have six months to take it), seem to benefit from such a prospect, 4.8 % of them suffering from depression.
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