During his wishes to the French on Saturday, the Head of State had an awkward sentence, implying that the current climate crisis was unpredictable. Some experts point to the disconnection of the executive on this subject.
by Matthieu Goar
Even during wishes, an exercise often harmless, you have to be wary of the weight of words. Saturday, December 31, 2022, Emmanuel Macron pronounced a little sentence very badly received by many actors of the climate cause.
Surprising from the “singular” aspect of these speeches which “force to speak of a future that in truth we do not know”, the President of the Republic first returns to the crises of the past year. “Who could have predicted the wave of inflation, thus triggered? Or the climate crisis with spectacular effects again this summer in our country?” Asks the head of state. After long passages on pensions and the need to work more, he will then talk about only one resumption of this theme, stating that “ecological transition is a battle that we will have to win”.
Barely a few minutes devoted to one of the issues of the century, a questioning of the predictability of global warming … The presidential words were immediately perceived as a symptom of disconnection by several experts. “” Who could have predicted the climate crisis? “Is it fun, is it exactly one of my favorite jokes to mock politicians who live out of reality,” tweeted Gonéré Le Cozannet, geologist and co -author of the group’s group report intergovernmental experts on climate evolution (IPCC).
Paléoclimatologist Valérie Masson-Delmotte, invited to the Elysée on August 31, 2022 to raise awareness, took over the little sentence of wishes while relaying documents from the last IPCC report on the consequences of warming in warming Europe. “It is a speech that misses the meaning of history. It could have been held in the 1980s, not in 2022,” Magali Reghezza-Zitt, geographer and a member of the climate council (HCC HCC (HCC ), created in 2018 by M. Macron.
“Macron pays for words, acts as a tactician, not in a strategist”
“It is dismay and it was entitled to the heart of all those who work on these subjects, analyzes Matthieu Auzanneau, director of the Shift Project. The Kyoto protocol dates from 1997, Jacques Chirac spoke of” our house which Burns “over twenty years ago … You have to be totally inconsistent to write and then pronounce this kind of sentences. The most worrying is to say the same thing about inflation, which started in September 2021 and is also a symptom of The scarcity of resources. This means that the best informed person in France does not understand the structural springs of these crises which are all linked and are not cyclical. It is paid for in words, acts as a tactician and not in a strategist. “
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