After two years of development presented the release of the library ncurses 6.4 , designed to create multiple-platform interactive console user interfaces and supporting emulating the software interface curses from System v Release 4.0 (SVR4). The release of NCURSES 6.3 is compatible at the level of source texts with the NCURSES 5.X and 6.0 branches, but expands ABI. Of the popular applications built using NCURSES, you can note Aptitude, Lynx, Mutt, NCFTP, VIM, VIFM, Minicom, Mosh, Screen, Tmux, Emacs, Less.
The new version contains mainly errors and work to increase reliability and efficiency. Descriptions of the terminals MOSH, MOSH-256Color, TEKEN-16COLOR, TEKEN-SC, TEKEN-VT and the Terminal database are added to the terminal.
XGTERM, as well as descriptions of many previously present terminals.