Uganda: several dead due to jostling in shopping center during New Year

These celebrations have been the first in the country for three years, after restrictions linked to the Pandemic of COVVI-19 and to security problems.


Nine people were killed and several others injured in a stampede in a shopping center in the Ugandan capital, Kampala, during the New Year’s celebration, announced on Sunday 1 , the police.

After fireworks fire outside the Freedom City shopping center, in the south of the capital, “a stampede has entered, causing the instant death of five people, injuring many others” , said in a statement Luke Owoyesigyire, police spokesperson.

“Imprudence and negligence”

“The rescuers arrived on the scene and transported the wounded to the hospital, where nine people in total were confirmed dead,” he continued. Mr. Owoyesigyire clarified that “young people” were part of the victims and denounced facts “of imprudence and negligence”, without giving more details.

These New Year’s celebrations in Uganda, African country in the Great Lakes region, have been the first for three years, after restrictions due to the Pandemic of Covid-19 and to security problems.

/Media reports cited above.