Low emissions areas: which cars are prohibited, where and for what reasons?

From the beginning of the year, vehicles Crit’Air 5 or without vignette will no longer be able to circulate in areas with low emissions of eleven big French cities.

by Dorian Jullien

carried by Elisabeth Borne in 2018, then Minister of Transport, the policy of progressive prohibition of the most polluting vehicles in urban centers experiences a first national deadline. From the 1 er January, more than 250,000 vehicles will no longer be able to circulate, or with restrictions, in the eleven low -emission zones (ZFE).

inscribed in law mobility of 2019 , these traffic limitations in city centers aim to reduce the releases of air pollutants, responsible for more than 46,000 dead per year in France over the period 2016-2019, according to public health France .

Who, precisely, will be affected by the ZFE? Where are these areas located? What do we risk in the event of non-compliance? Will their implementation have an effect on health? Are there any aids to acquire a less polluting vehicle? MO12345LEMONDE answers the main questions posed by motorists.

/Media reports cited above.