Three parties out of the four that make up the main opposition to Nicolas Maduro wish the disappearance of this above all symbolic institution, which is trying to save its self -proclaimed president by putting back.
The main Venezuelan opponent Juan Guaido said Thursday, December 29, that the “interim government” was to remain in place even if he was no longer the president, while three opposition parties want his disappearance.
This alternative government was created in 2019 when the opposition to Nicolas Maduro and the international community had refused to recognize the re -election of the heir of Hugo Chavez. Without real powers, they however control the Venezuelan assets abroad. “My proposal is that the institution is defended above names or personal interests and that this tool is not destroyed,” said Guaido in a video published on social networks.
Three of the four major opposition parties want its suppression, while Voluntad Popular, the party of Juan Guaido and Leopoldo Lopez, believes that putting an end to the interim presidency would allow President Maduro to get their hands on Venezuelan resources Blocked abroad by sanctions.
Stretch international support
“Maintaining the presidency (temporary) has nothing to do with Juan Guaido. It is a duty. You have the votes to destroy the interim presidency. Not Maduro. But you also have the votes to keep it and name The people who compose it, “added Mr. Guaido, addressing the deputies of the former Parliament elected in 2015, who defend his continuity by considering as fraudulent the legislative elections won by power in 2020. These parliamentarians elected in 2015 will vote this Friday to decide the future of the presidency.
not recognizing the re -election of Nicolas Maduro in 2018 during a boycotted ballot by the opposition, Mr. Guaido had self -proclaimed “president” in January 2019, and had obtained the recognition of about fifty countries which The United States and France. However, international support has since been stretched. We are even witnessing a warming between Washington and Mr. Maduro, in the context of the oil crisis caused by the war in Ukraine.
The three parties favorable to the disappearance of the “Provisional Government” (Primero Justicia, ACCION DEMOGRIICA and a NUEVO TIEMPO) confirmed their position on Tuesday in a press release: “The provisional government has ceased to be useful (…) and has no interest in citizens “. The opposition announced that it would organize primaries next year to choose a single candidate to face Maduro during the presidential election of 2024. Mr. Guaido is one of the possible candidates.