The new direction, installed without election, does not include several heavyweights of the movement.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
The lack of internal democracy threatens once again to plunge into rebellious France (LFI) in the crisis while Manuel Bompard, close to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, is about to take the leadership of the movement under the protests, which The composition was unveiled on Saturday December 10 without including several of the party figures. “We are in an evolutionary process. I understand that it can question and disturb habits,” said Mr. Bompard at a press conference organized in Paris after the “representative assembly” of one hundred and sixty executives and members.
The one who will only be officially appointed at the head of the new coordination only in the coming days, in concert with other members of this direction appointed for one year, tried to extinguish the anger of managed officials. Had not been invited to the event Les Députs Alexis Corbière, Clémentine Autain, François Ruffin or Eric Coquerel.
“The closure and locking”
“We want to renew,” said deputy Gabriel Amard, stressing that “more than 50 %” of the twenty -one management members were new. A door is open to dissatisfied: “The work continues, by the next representative assembly of June; the parliamentary group will have to work in the terms of its representation” in the direction, he added.
At a time when the other parties of the Left Alliance New Ecological and Social People’s Popular Union (Nuts) organize congresses and vote, Manuel Bompard says it continues to prefer the “consensus” rather than the elections to avoid “the ‘Confrontation between a majority and minorities “.
“While the moment calls for LFI for cohesion and opening, management chooses closure and locking,” cracked on Saturday Clémentine Autain with the France-Presse agency:
Lancer of the Nuts, our movement has a historical responsibility, especially in the race against the extreme right, but the message sent is likely to weaken the rally.
If, according to Eric Coquerel, the designation of Manuel Bompard is “natural because he knows how to organize very well”, the president of the finance committee of the National Assembly also claimed on Friday “discover” this appointment. In general, “it would be desirable that the whole nuance of the movement would be represented in the direction,” pleaded the elected official of Seine-Saint-Denis.
School of executives
Besides this restricted operational direction will be created a political council, a place of debate on the strategy, composed of elected officials, personalities and “rebellious” executives. This body without manager and advisory function was not planned until very recently, testify several deputies who learned its existence this week.
These turmoil eclipse reforms which must “change the nature of the movement”, dixit the next leader: creation of departmental loops so that local action groups – hitherto autarkic – communicate with each other; “Voluntary contributions” that activists will be able to allocate to local or national expenses themselves, purchase of premises in rural and peri-urban areas to try to compete with the national rally, creation of a school of executives …
“All this goes in the right direction” to anchor and diversify the movement, believes Eric Coquerel, even if he is not said to be opposed to future internal elections, because “people want to give their opinion” . “LFI was created [in 2016] for electoral campaigns, now that we have seventy-five deputies and are the first force on the left, we must give it a lasting framework,” summarizes the former leader of the left party.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon, he spoke in the morning before the representative assembly to confirm that he was going to codirigate with the deputy Clémence watched by the Boétie Institute, Think Tank “rebellious”. The former presidential candidate also incorporates the coordination of the movement.