An amendment to the finance bill, tabled on Saturday, wants to establish a proportional participation at the cost, except for job seekers.
No more free training? To reduce the cost for public finances of the Personal Training Account (CPF), the government wants to establish a “dependent remains” for the employee who benefits. A amendment to the project of finance law was tabled on Saturday December 10 by the executive.
The text specifies that “the participation [of the employee] can be proportional to the cost of the training within the limit of a ceiling or fixed to a lump sum”, and will be requested from all account holders, apart from the applicants of use.
The more detailed conditions, in particular the possibility of making this rest for the rest of a third party, will be set by decree. 2> a cost of 6.7 billion euros
The CPF has replaced the individual right to training, and has been presented since November 2019 in the form of a credit in euros, allowing to easily subscribe to offers through an online platform. According to the government, it has generated five million registrations since its opening at a cost of 6.7 billion euros. But the public authorities are concerned about their good use and want “training to be part of a solid professional project”.
The device has generated many scams: scams, forced sales or poor quality training. To strengthen security and avoid fraud, the CPF has been attached to the FrenchConnect+ authentication service since the end of October. The Senate definitively adopted a bill already voted for the National Assembly on Thursday to prohibit the commercial canvassing of a CPF holder, hoping to dry up the flow of requests suffered by individuals.
The amendment on the CPF should be voted by the Parliament this weekend, according to the Parisian . The finance bill for 2023 was the subject of an eighth procedure of 49.3 in the National Assembly Thursday, December 8. In response, rebellious France has filed a censure motion against the government which must be examined Sunday in public session.