McKinsey, Roland Berger, Citwell … Consultants’ missions during the COVVI-19 pandemic made under “problematic conditions”, according to a confidential report of the Court of Auditors revealed by “MO12345LEMONDE”.
by Adrien Sénécat
assume, reassure and stifle the controversy. On January 5, 2021, at the Ministry of Health, we are working on the “EDL” (elements of language) to oppose the many questions of the press after information revealed by the site Politico : The American office McKinsey was commissioned to support the COVVI-19 vaccination campaign. The internal emails of the time, which MO12345lemonde was able to consult, summarize the two key messages of the response of the executive: the consultants did not interfere in “the choices of a political and health nature” and these missions have strictly respected “contracts” and “procedures” in force.
Government communication was not enough to extinguish the fire. Revelations on McKinsey and vaccination have since been followed by a long series of information on the weight taken by private consultants in the public sphere in recent years. The publication of a report by the Senate on this “sprawling” phenomenon in the spring has shaken Emmanuel Macron’s campaign and led to the opening of two judicial investigations by the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF), in the fall.
Each time, the same answers are provided: everything is “super clear and transparent” in the interventions of consulting firms, assured, at the end of November, the government spokesman, Olivier Véran. “I am not afraid,” said Emmanuel Macron on November 25, six months after saying: “If there is evidence of manipulation, [that] it goes to criminal!”
According to information from the world, the government was however alerted from the end of 2021 of drifts in the use of consulting services, in particular within the framework of the health crisis. On December 2, 2021, the Court of Auditors sent an unequivocal warning to the Ministry of Health: many of these services were under “problematic conditions”. These grievances are detailed in a larger report on expenses related to the health crisis, which MO12345lemonde has obtained. This 90 -page document , which has not been made public so far, illuminates the interventions of consultants during the pandemic.
a precipitation criticized by The Court of Auditors
The first observation of the Court of Auditors is known: the use of consulting firms was increased tenfold during the health crisis. More than 50 million euros were spent in 2020 and 2021 on IT services on behalf of the Directorate General of Health (DGS), to which are added 13 million euros for consulting services.
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