The departments concerned by the alert are Ain, Allier, Loire, Rhône, Saône-et-Loire and Haute-Savoie. Météo-France invites to “be very vigilant” because “dangerous phenomena are planned”
mo12345lemonde with AFP
Météo-France launched on Monday December 12 a warning message on the risks linked to snow and ice, placing six departments in orange alert and forty in yellow for the day of Tuesday December 13, including the Paris region.
are concerned by the orange alert, which encourages “to be very vigilant” because “dangerous phenomena are planned”: Ain (01), Allier (03), Loire (42), Rhône (69), Saône-et-Loire (71) and Haute-Savoie (74). For Monday, only the Allier, the Loire and the Rhône were affected.
“During the night of Monday to Tuesday and Tuesday morning, a disturbance dates back to the Center-East region then the Saône et Loire by the Southwest. Arriving on the very cold air that is currently concerned, precipitation will be snowy until the plain at first (1 to 5 cm in general), then they will turn into rain, with the Redoux, first on the south of Auvergne and the Rhône valley during the night ” , specifies Météo-France in its vigilance bulletin issued Monday at 4 p.m.
⚠️ | Sliding phenomena are probable in the night from Monday to Tuesday morning. Particular prudence is imposed…
On North Auvergne, Loire, Rhône and West Ain, the snow will last until the end of the night on Tuesday morning, while in Saône-et-Loire, we expect 1 to 3 cm in a few hours in a few hours . These snowfall will then gradually be replaced by freezing precipitation on a good part of the department between the very end of the night from Monday to Tuesday and Tuesday.
forty departments in yellow alert
Yellow vigilance (“be attentive” due to occasionally and locally dangerous “phenomena”) for snow and ice will touch a large part of France on Tuesday, with the exception of the northeast, the extreme South-East and South West.
An alert was also issued for avalanches (9 departments) in the Alps and the Pyrenees and for the cold (20 departments) in a large northern part of the country going as far as Normandy and Loiret.
This winter offensive could cause problems for road traffic: “Sliding phenomena are probable in the night from Monday to Tuesday morning on the center-east, then in Brittany and Normandy at the end of Tuesday with an remaining development To be monitored, “warns Météo France.
For several days, France has been going through an episode of cold marked by temperatures below seasonal normal (6.06 degrees over the period 19910-2020). But despite the planned reinforcement of electric radiators, the high -voltage line manager, RTE, did not launch a warning signal on the electrical supply (ECOWATT) over the next three days.