After having won with 90.8 % of the votes in the second round of the Congress on Saturday, the new National Secretary of Europe Ecology-Les Verts aims to conquer the popular classes and to carry an autonomous list in the European elections.
by Sandrine Cassini
It is 4 p.m. when Marine Tondelier enters the large room of the Monnet space, in Rungis (Val-de-Marne). Surrounded by cameras, acclaimed by hundreds of members, the new National Secretary of Europe Ecologie-les Verts (EELV) does not sulk her pleasure this Saturday, December 10. His party, reputed to be democratic, comes from electing it with a Soviet score: the young woman of Hénin-Beaumont prevails with 90.8 % of the votes in the second round of the Congress. “A new page opens. We will go back to the offensive, with a political line, clear, ambitious, collective,” she said.
This score is explained by the rally which she knew how to create between the two towers, rallying four of the five motions which were competing to her. At the executive office, she obtains eight posts out of fifteen. The list supported by Yannick Jadot, three posts, that pushed by Sandrine Rousseau, the most on the left, two. Negotiations with the team around the eco -feminist deputy were not easy. “At the start, some members of my motion did not want to enter the majority,” said the Paris MP, who preferred to be there in order to have “the weight of the discussion”, rather than staying in sterile opposition. What did not prevent Marine Tondelier from launching him with a clear message: “Touching an environmentalist is touching all environmentalists, touching an ecological policy, is to touch all ecology”, warned The new boss of the Greens, a barely hidden allusion to the spades addressed by the Paris MP to Yannick Jadot in recent weeks.
After the rout of the presidential election, the brutal eviction of Julien Bayou, accused of psychological violence against his former partner, and the divisive words on the barbecue symbol of Sandrine Rousseau, Marine Tondelier hopes to leave The front and conquer a million sympathizers for the duration of his mandate. From January 2023 will be organized by the States General of Ecology. “In the communes, there will be rallies to collect the expectations of activists, but also associations, in order to reorganize political ecology”, details Hélène Hardy, renewed within the Executive Bureau. Marine Tondelier also wishes to rename EELV “Ecologists” at the end of this process.
“RENOUR with the popular classes”
bigger challenge: “reconnect with popular classes and peripheral France”, said the thirties, herself an opposition counselor in Hénin-Beaumont (Pas-de-Calais), commune led by the mayor (gathering National, RN) Steeve Briois. Currently, EELV is struggling to find an echo outside of urban city centers and educated CSP +. To be heard, Marine Tondelier assumes a form of radicality. “To federate, we must appoint our enemies,” she hammered, targeting in particular the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, who had qualified the ecologists activists as “eco-root”.
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