The coordination of movements of (CMA), an alliance of Tuareg groups and Arab nationalists of the North deplores that this agreement signed in 2015 with Bamako is today not in decay due in particular to political instability in the country.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
This is a new cry of alarm. Armed groups signatory to an important peace agreement in Mali “denounce” its “decay” and call on its international guarantors to “avoid a final break” between its parties, in a press release published Friday, December 9.
The coordination of Azawad movements (CMA), an alliance of Tuareg groups and Arab nationalists of the North in rebellion against the central power created in 2014 had signed a peace agreement with Bamako, in Algiers in 2015. The CMA had already worried about the “abandonment” of the peace agreement by the new Malian authorities in July.
“It is unfortunate to admit after 7 years” that “the peace agreement undoubtedly suffers from the obvious lack of efficient commitments [of the] capital parties for its implementation, namely the successive governments of Mali, the Mediation [Algerian] and the international community guaranteeing its full application, “deplores the press release published at the end of a meeting of the CMA Executive Office which was held between Wednesday and Friday in Kidal, its northern stronghold of Country.
“The guarantors’ parties [of the peace agreement] are in the political and moral obligation to play their role in a full and efficient manner in order to avoid a definitive rupture” between the parties, urges the text.
Political and security crisis
Mali, poor and landlocked country in the heart of the Sahel, was the scene of two military coups in August 2020 and May 2021. The government adopted a transitional calendar to allow a return of civilians to power In March 2024.
But the political crisis goes hand in hand with a serious security crisis in progress since the trigger, in 2012, of independence and jihadist insurrections in the North.
These violence, which won the center as well as Burkina Faso and Niger Voisins, have left thousands of civil and military deaths as well as hundreds of thousands of displaced in Mali.