Suspected of corruption for several years, ISTVAN TIBRCZ has resolved to give up yet another European subsidy. A decision which comes a few days before the freeze of 13 billion euros in European funds intended for Hungary.
by Jean-Baptiste Chastand (Vienne, regional correspondent)
The subsidy made bad gender in the middle of the efforts that Hungary promised to the European Union to deploy to better fight against corruption. Wednesday, December 7, the Hungarian information site had revealed that the son -in -law of Viktor Orban, Istvan Tiborcz, pinned in 2018 for having set up an “organized fraud diagram” to receive European funds, had just won, 3 Last November, 156 million drills (nearly 375,000 euros) of EU funds for “rural development”.
Following questions from the world, Mr. Tiborcz’s spokesperson suddenly said on Friday December 9 “that he no longer wanted to implement the planned reforestation project” on one of the plots he Holds in the Bicske district, west of Budapest, “due to the evolution of economic conditions”. Consequently, “he will not use these funds,” promises this spokesperson, while this attribution had caused scandal in recent days in Hungary.
Located about forty kilometers from the Hungarian capital, the Biscke district is indeed the stronghold of relatives of the nationalist Prime Minister. His childhood friend, his wife or his son -in -law bought many terrains there, and his father, Gyozo Orban, is erecting a luxurious palace on 23 hectares. Mr. Tibrcz had asked for these European funds to “create a green corridor which promotes free movement and propagation of species”.
not demonstrated corruption
“There was certainly no indication that these specific funds linked to agricultural policy were allocated in a corrupt way, recognizes Sandor Lederer, director of the K-Monitor anticorruption NGO, but that gives a bad impression Middle of negotiations with Brussels “, which could lead to the freezing of more than 13 billion euros in European funds intended for Hungary. The decision to freeze or not these funds must indeed be ratified in the next few days by the member states of the EU.
Several states, including France, are very reluctant to opt for frost. But, during this time, “the entourage of Orban continues to steal European funds”, denounces the German MEP (ecologist) Daniel Freund, specialist in the rule of law in Hungary, who cites the case of the aborted subsidy by Mr. Tiborcz but also that of the former classmate of Mr. Orban, Lorinc Meszaros, who became the first Hungarian fortune at the head of a gigantic conglomerate who “continues to win European tenders”.
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