The union calls for the strikes strike, dissatisfied with the first negotiations with the management of the railway group.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
The trains at platform on the first weekend of Christmas holidays? The Sud-Rail union decided on Friday, December 9, to maintain its call for the strikes strike, from December 15 to 19, after a day of negotiation with the management of the SNCF, whose proposals “come close to contempt”, judged the Syndicat.
The CGT-Cheminots, for its part, has qualified the proposals of the management “insufficient” and says it is thinking about calling for a national movement, without submitting notice for the moment, like the other representative organizations, the UNSA- Rail and cfdt-cheminots.
SNCF sharpeners operate the network: without them, trains cannot drive. They require better recognition of their profession and an improvement in their working conditions. “It is still time for the management of the SNCF to continue negotiations if it wants to avoid a significant conflict,” insisted Sud-Rail in a statement, calling on traffic agents to continue to “massively deposit” their declarations of intention, compulsory to go on strike.
The management proposed to the unions to allocate to the sharpeners a “service ceremony” of ten minutes with each taking of service. Traffic agents, who work in 3×8, must indeed arrive or leave later at the time of the next generation to pass the relay to the next team. Sud-Rail asked twenty minutes.
threatening on Christmas and New Year
Another measure put on the table by SNCF Réseau: “A lump sum compensation of 60 euros [gross]” paid from June 2023 and which will be sustainable in order to recognize the specificities of the profession. A measure “far from responding to our claim [300 euros per month cash for retirement and maintained in the event of incapacity]”, replied Sud-Rail.
The Unsa-Ferroviaire, which participated in the round table, described these measures as “real advanced”. “It is a strong advance on the part of the company, especially when we know the problems of SNCF Réseau” whose finances are limited, assured Yoann Saugues, unnsa-far-farm secretary.
SNCF network did not wish to react. Another risk of social conflict weighs on the SNCF at the end of the year with this time the controllers who threaten to strike on Christmas and New Year weekends.
However, the management of SNCF travelers who takes care of trains of trains in the public group qualified the exchanges which took place Thursday with the unions and a collective of “positive and good level” controllers. “We are really not far from an agreement” despite “a few stumbling blocks”, told the France-Presse Nicolas Limon agency, one of the founders of the collective. Management gave the parties a week to decide.