Issue KDE Gear 22.12, set of applications from KDE project

presented December consolidated application update (22.12) developed by the KDE project. Recall that the consolidated set of KDE applications since April 2021 has been published under the name KDE Gear, instead of KDE Apps and KDE Applications. In total, as part of the update published releases of 234 programs, libraries and plugins. Information about the availability of LIVE Greenhouses with new applications can be obtained at this page .

The most noticeable innovations:

  • Dolphin file manager is given the opportunity to control the access rights for the external sections of Samba. The selection mode has been added, which simplifies the selection of part of the files and catalogs to perform standard operations over them (after pressing the gap key or the choice in the “Select Files and Folders” menu, a green panel appears at the top, after which clicks and catalogs lead to files and catalogs. their allocation, and below the panel with available operations is shown, such as copying, renaming and opening images).
  • In the viewer of images and video, GwenView has supported adjustment of the brightness, contrast and color of the views viewed. Added support for viewing files in the XCF format used in GIMP.

  • The Kate and Kwrite text editors have added WelCOME window shown when starting programs without specifying files. The window provides a button for creating or opening a file, a list of recent files and links to documentation. A new “Keyboard Macro” tool has been added to create macros, which allows you to record the sequence of keys and reproduce previously recorded macros.
  • In the Kdenlive video editor, integration with other video editing programs has been improved, for example, there was the possibility of transferring installation tables (Timeline) to the GLAXNIMATE vector animation program. The system of guides/markers added support for search filters and creating their own categories. The interface has the opportunity to use the Hamburgger menu, but by default a classic menu is shown.

  • In the KDE Connect application, designed to interfere the phone with the desktop, the interface of the response to text messages has been changed – instead of opening a separate dialogue in the KDE Connect widget, the built -in text input field is now appearing. Video>
  • The Kalendar calendar-planner proposes a “basic” representation mode, which uses a more static layout of the elements, saving the processor resources and optimal for low-power or autonomous devices. To display events, a pop -up window is involved, which is better suited for viewing and managing the schedule. Work was carried out to increase the responsiveness of the interface.

/Media reports cited above.