Union block led by alliance tops professional elections in police

The rapprochement of thirteen unions within the list together to act won almost half of the votes cast.

by Antoine Albertini

Unsurprisingly, the union block bringing together thirteen unions of police and technical, scientific and administrative police officers of the police came at the top of the professional elections, according to the results published by the Ministry of the Interior, Thursday evening December 8. He won eight seats out of fifteen on the social committee of ministerial administration, with 49.45 % of the vote, or nearly 67,500 votes.

Until then the majority union, Unit-SGP Police-Fo has managed to resist the opposing compressor roller, while slightly increasing its score of 2018, with 35 % of the votes and six seats within this organ, a real nerve center of the Ministry of the Interior in matters of social dialogue. It is in this body that the operating rules of services are negotiated, their organization, management of changes and promotions, time and working conditions or training.

The 2022 vintage of professional elections, still particularly followed in a police force where the unionization rate remains very high – in the order of 75 % to 80 % of the workforce – was the occasion for real grips, in particular On social networks, against the backdrop of the police version of the police version. Unit-SGP Police-Fo accused in particular his great rival Alliance, leader of the union block-assembly to act, of having pact with the unions of officers and commissioners to turn away from the defense of the vast majority of the workforce, Constituted by the body of framing and application which brings together the lower grades of the institution. “We are fighting a system where the assistant policeman earns 30 euros more on his pay sheet and takes risks on a daily basis when the compensation allocated to the high hierarchy flambé by 25 %,” explains Grégory Joron, the unit boss.

Induced criticisms, according to Fabien Vanhemelryck, secretary general of alliance and head of the list together to act: “At the head of the union block, there is a simple peacekeeper: me”, he explained before before The results of the ballot, by arguing of the necessary constitution of a widest union front possible to “face the great debates to come and embody a possible power of nuisance because we represent all the bodies of the institution”.

“The police will also be in the street”

The composition of this new union landscape turns out to be crucial for the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin. On Tuesday, December 6, he had aroused a wave of protest by affirming on Franceinfo that he was favorable to a modification of the pension system of the police, gendarmes and firefighters. “It is obvious that the agents of the Ministry of the Interior will be concerned to work like all the French a little more. There is no question [that they] do other than the rest of the French,” he said, While the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, must present, before the end of the year, the contours of her reform.

The previous attempt to bring the current system back to ordinary law, which allows the personnel concerned to open rights from 52 years for a retirement at 57 years, had raised in 2019 a strong protest movement, with police stations Symbolically blocked and zeal strike led by union organizations, until the government ends up giving it up – and before the abandonment of the reform project. Already, alternative police, a minority but very active union under the CFDT, warned: “The police will also be in the street when the time comes!”

m. Darmanin, whose orientation and programming bill from the Ministry of the Interior will be examined again in the Senate at second reading, on December 14, must also anticipate discussions around his vast police departmentalization project, which arouses a clear opposition on the side of the judicial police.

/Media reports cited above.