published the release of the distribution are distributed under the GPLV3 license. The size of the bootable ISO-image 4 GB (AMD64). : // “> are developed using languages C/C ++ (Qt5) and Go . The key feature of the DEPIN desktop is a panel that supports several operating modes. In the classic mode, a more obvious separation of open windows and applications offered to launch applications is carried out, the area of the system tray is displayed. The effective mode is somewhat reminiscent of Unity by mixing indicators of advanced programs, selected applications and control appletes (volume/brightness setting, connected drives, watches, network condition, etc.). The program launch interface is displayed on the full screen and provides two modes – viewing selected applications and navigation for the catalog of installed programs.
The main innovations:
- Added a new “Deepin Home” application, which contains links to useful information resources about distribution, such as discussion platforms, Wiki, GitHub, News, Social Networks and Documentation. In the future, it is planned to provide the possibility of sending wishes, reviews and reports about problems.
- In the application installation manager, the opening of Wine applications is accelerated
After installation by unpacking during loading.
Visual effects on the “Updates” and “Manage” are optimized. The possibility of copying and inserting comments on the program about the program was given. The display is optimized when the window is reduced to the minimum size. - The file manager is given the ability to save files to the disk as images, buttons are added to the context menu for renaming and formatting external drives, an interface is implemented for selecting images for the screen of the screen.