Rest in southern Pacific Ocean can be spoiled by cyber carriers

The commission for non-interference in the private life of New Zealand reported that it plans to start an investigation against Mercury IT, which provides comprehensive management services for many state institutions and enterprises, but on November 30, it suffered from the attack of cyber carriers.

As the Privacy Commissioner says, IT specialists are now actively working to find out the number of injured organizations, which information was encrypted and stolen. The first victims have already made themselves felt-due to the incident, the medical insurance company ACCURO (Client Mercury) lost access to a number of main systems, and the healthcare service of New Zealand reported that some opening reports and data related to transportation were not available due to attacks dead people.

The neighbor of New Zealand, the state of Vanuat, which is located in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean, was no better – cyber attacks for three weeks disabled all government IT systems. Because of this, all institutions temporarily worked only with paper documents. But now the situation is being established – at the end of last week, experts were able to restore 70% of government servers.

The perpetrators could not be determined, but as officials report, traffic analysis showed that attackers acted from Europe, Asia and the United States of America. But these data may probably be erroneous, since hackers carefully hide their real location.

/Media reports cited above.