The arrest, Wednesday, of 25 people involved in an attempted coup confirms the radicalization of a conspiracy movement in the country.
by Thomas Wieder (Berlin , correspondent)
Twenty-five people, it is little to succeed in a coup, but enough to foment a conspiracy. If the twenty -five conspirators arrested by German police on Wednesday, December 7, were undoubtedly unlikely to put their plans to execute – to storm the Bundestag, to reverse the government and entrust power to the offspring of an old family Aristocratic -, the thread they were the object reminded a disturbing reality: almost eighty years after the end of the Second World War, there is a resolutely seditious extreme right in Germany, ready to switch to Violence to subvert the Republic and restore the Reich (“Empire”), like the Reichsbürger, literally the “citizens of the Reich”, a movement that appeared in the 1980s. Several of the people arrested would be close.
In a long press release published on Wednesday afternoon, the federal prosecutor’s office gave a certain number of information on the cell dismantled a few hours earlier. Founded “at the latest at the end of November 2021”, this “terrorist association” aimed to “overthrow the existing state order in Germany”, an objective “can only be achieved by the use of military means and the use of the violence against state representatives “. According to the prosecution, some of the people arrested on Wednesday even went so far as to “make concrete preparations to penetrate violently into the Bundestag with a small group of armed people”.
Among the twenty-five conspirators arrested by the police, three, above all, caught the attention of the German media. The first is a certain Henri XIII, prince of Reuss, arrested at his home in a posh district of Frankfurt. 71 years old, this descendant of an illustrious aristocratic line of Thuringia “was considered within his small group as the future head of state,” said the prosecution in his press release. Rather unexpected for this man who made a career in real estate and sparkling wine, this glorious destiny seemed perfectly suitable for the interested party. “After having governed for millennia, my dynasty was deprived of all power after the First World War”, a conflict caused by “foreign powers”, he deplored, in 2019, during a meeting of chiefs of company in Zurich (Switzerland).
That day, he also attacked the “Rothschild family” and “Freemason finance”, accused of being responsible for “wars” and “revolutions” of the XX E century. Within his family, this septuagenarian seems quite isolated. In August, his cousin Henri XIV, the current leader of this princely line, had publicly cut the bridges with “this old far -fetched man” having broken with his own for fourteen years “.
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