The results of the national school assessments 2022 are generally stable. Students educated in REP+schools, considered to be the most fragile, reduce the gap with other children.
by Violaine Morin
Level deviations between the most disadvantaged students and priority education, continue to be reduced. This is the main teaching of national evaluations of CP, CE1 and 6 e
é> carried out in classes at the start of the 2022 school year and whose results were disseminated on November 25 by the Ministry of Education national. In French as in mathematics, students enrolled in the reinforced priority education network (REP+), considered to be the most fragile academic level, “outperformed” this year, welcomed the Director General of School Education , Edouard Geffray, who presented these results. These are generally stable on all the skills evaluated in the three levels – with the exception of French in CE1 and in 6 e , where the level is slightly degraded.
In detail, for the CP class, the differences between REP+ students and those of public education outside priority education are reduced in 2022 on skills such as “manipulating phonemes” and “knowing the names of the letters and their sound “. For the CP as for the other levels, the students of REP+ are those who have suffered the most from confinement. In September 2020, at the start of the school year which followed the first wave of COVID-19, the differences between their results and those of the students outside priority education were again degraded, after having started to absorb between 2019 and 2020, under ‘Effect of the duplication of CP classes, started for priority education from the start of the 2017 school year.
In mathematics, the differences between REP+ students and the others have also been reduced, always for the CP class. For the “problem solving” competence, for example, there was a gap of 24.7 points in 2019, between the students of REP+ and those educated outside priority education. REP+ students having progressed faster than the others, this gap reduced to 23 points. “At the start of the 2021 school year, we had 55 % large sections of kindergarten cleared in priority education, and the accent had been put on the REP+, recalls Edouard Geffray. These students became CP students this year. It is So most likely the effect of accelerated duplication of large sections in REP+ which confirms this evolution. “
progression in” fluence “for the 6th
In CE1, if some skills are stable – especially in mathematics – others deteriorate slightly: students have declining results “in reading and writing”. There are only 74.8 % more to produce a satisfactory result for the skill “Writing words”, against 77.1 % in 2019. For Edouard Geffray, we can probably read the consequences of the Omicron wave, which has Disturbed in the winter of 2021-2022 of these students, who were then in the middle of their CP year. In general, French skills, in particular in writing – as opposed to oral comprehension – are more affected than mathematics by disturbances linked to the pandemic.
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