Political associations and groups have been received by the government, upstream of the future immigration law. The wait -and -see wait.
by Julia Pascual
The first round of consultations carried out by the government as part of the future immigration law ended on Friday 25 November, without clearly appearing the base on which the executive will find a membership in its text. For several months, the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, has distillated the main elements of his project: increase in evictions, overhaul of the National Court of Asylum, Simplification of foreigners litigation, creation of a residence permit “Trades in tension” making it possible to regularize undocumented workers …
While a text must be examined at the beginning of 2023 and first submitted to the Senate before being voted by the National Assembly for a week, several parliamentary political groups and associations met Gérald Darmanin, while The Secretary of State for Citizenship, Sonia Backès, and the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, who must also consult the social partners next week, organized round tables on asylum and integration with associations. “The exchanges were of quality and serene, defends a framework of the Ministry of the Interior. It is always good to know what is the starting point of each of the actors.”
Consultations will continue, while, on December 6 and 13, debates without vote on immigration are provided for in the National Assembly and in the Senate. The law should then be sent to the Council of State.
“A statistical law” for LFI
“The government is attentive and anxious to master the inflammable character of the subject, believes the Renaissance deputy of Maine-et-Loire Stella Dupont. What is important is to remain on a logic of dignity of The reception and to be both rigorous and firm vis-à-vis offenders and the effectiveness of the renewals. “Taking the humanist wing of the majority, M me dupont is Convinced that, in his search for a coalition to have his law adopted, the government can be capable of concessions, not only on the right. “Opening the field of regularization is what part of the left aspires,” she said.
A calculation that swells the deputy La France Insoumise (LFI) of Seine-Saint-Denis Thomas Portes, which was received by Mr. Darmanin during the consultations. “We will be opposed to the substance and on the form,” he says, castigating “a statistical law to show that we expel and that we are severe”. The elected official regrets the absence of proposal on “reception conditions, health, school, discrimination”.
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