Video despite the brutality of the repression, thousands of Iranian demonstrators continue to protest the regime since the death of Mahsa Amini on September 16. Beyond the wearing of the veil, the whole political-economic structure of the regime is questioned.
by Fanny Zarifi and Adrien Vandeleele (motion-design)
The revolt does not weaken. Iran begins its third month of demonstrations despite a sometimes fatal police repression. In the street and on social networks, the slogans are increasingly radical: “Death to Khamenei [the supreme guide, first authority of the country]!”; “It is the regime itself which is the target!”
The revolt triggered by the death of a young woman, Mahsa Amini, after her arrest by the police of manners for the port deemed inappropriate of the veil, now targets the whole regime of the Islamic Republic. Because the reasons for the anger of the Iranians are deep and ancient. Video explanation.
- Iran, a moving power, Thierry Coville (Eyrolles, 2022)
- Iran: from 1800 to the present day, Yann Richard (Flammarion, 2009)
- It’s a men’s club: discrimination Against Women in Iran’s Job Market , Human Rights Watch (May 25, 2017)