The Minister of Economy and Finance assured, on Sunday, that “this drift has been corrected”, adding that his ministry had, since the beginning of the year, “reduces the recourse to cabinets by 34 % advice “.
The Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, admitted Sunday, November 27, that there had been “abuses (…) on the use of external consulting firms”, and that successive governments had been “too far” in this “habit”. “We have had too much recourse to consulting firms for years, be it this government, previous governments, previous majorities (…). I think there was indeed a drift,” explained the tenant of Bercy, in the program” Sunday in politics “, broadcast on France 3 .
#pnf #mckinsey
🔵 “There have been drifts in the use of consulting firms,” said @brunolemaire. The minisr…
“This drift was corrected in particular by the Prime Minister’s circular”, Elisabeth Borne, who asked all administrations “to reduce the use of consulting firms by 15 %,” said Bruno Le Maire, Specifying that his ministry had “reduced by 34 % the use of consulting firms” compared to the first half of 2021.
This declaration comes while the national financial prosecutor’s office reported, Thursday, on the opening, on October 20 and 21, of two surveys relating to the “conditions of intervention of consulting firms in the 2017 electoral campaigns and 2022 “.
These two investigations, entrusted to investigating judges, are added to a preliminary investigation opened on March 31, 2022 for “aggravated money laundering” targeting the consulting firm McKinsey, after the publication of a report Senate commission of inquiry.
In addition to the fact that the American firm had not paid corporate tax between 2011 and 2020, while it achieves an annual turnover of several hundred million euros in France, parliamentarians had also revealed that the contracts concluded between the State and the companies of consultants in general had “more than doubled” between 2018 and 2021 to reach the record amount of 1 billion euros last year.