Caroline Cayeux, Minister Delegate in charge of local authorities, leaves government

She is replaced by Dominique Faure, Secretary of State responsible for rurality. In July, her homophobic remarks had aroused indignation within the executive and part of the majority, but she had been maintained at her post.


President Emmanuel Macron ended, Monday, November 28, to “his request”, as the Minister Delegate in charge of local authorities, Caroline Cayeux, whose attributions are taken up by her colleague in charge of rurality, Dominique Faure , announced the Elysée.

M me faure, previously Secretary of State for Rurality, becomes “Minister Delegate to the Minister of the Interior and Overseas and the Minister of Ecological Transition and Cohesion Territories, in charge of local authorities and with the Minister of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, in charge of rurality, “said the Elysée in a press release.

In 2013, at the time of heated debates on marriage for all, M me cayeux, at the time senator of the Union for a popular movement (now the Republicans, LR), had describes the union open to homosexuals as a “desire to unnatural”. Words that earned him a platform, in the magazine stubborn , on July 11, signed in particular by left -wing elected officials, calling for the resignation of “ministers to the past manifa for all” – Gérald Darmanin and Christophe Béchu are also cited. Remarks, above all, that the minister “maint [enus] of course”, on LCP, on July 12, before explaining that she had “many friends among these people”. A formulation which, far from erasing the fault, has only accentuated the discomfort.

/Media reports cited above.