A bill tabled by LFI deputies to reintegrate non -vaccinated nursing staff could not be voted on Thursday in the assembly.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
The return to the hospital of caregivers not vaccinated against the COVVI-19 must be a “scientifically established” decision, “not a political choice”, estimated, Friday, November 25, Emmanuel Macron.
“If scientists, doctors, caregivers tell us that it is desirable from a scientific point of view to reintegrate these caregivers, the government must do it,” said the head of state, during a trip to Dijon.
The day before, a bill tabled by deputies La France rebellious to reintegrate non -vaccinated health personnel could not be voted in the assembly, and the opposition had castigated the “maneuvers” of the Presidential camp to slow down debates. “You are going to close it!”, In particular, launched the deputy of Guadeloupe Olivier Serva (Libertés, Independent, Overseas and Territories group) to the address of Renaissance deputies which challenged him during his intervention, which caused a suspension session.
The question has been controversial since The vaccination obligation of health personnel was implemented in September 2021. “At a time when the circulation of the virus starts upwards, where there is a bronchiolitis epidemic and the flu, it is serious to reintegrate Non-vaccinated staff, “said Franck Riester, Minister responsible for relations with Parliament, on France Inter.
Supporters of a reintegration argue that anti-COVVID-19 vaccines have lost much of their effectiveness against the transmission of the disease, although they remain protective on the individual level against serious forms. They also consider absurd to prevent caregivers from exercising their activity in a context of lack of staff, although the proportion of people suspended is extremely minority in hospitals.