The draft resolution, submitted by the power coalition, will be debated next Wednesday at the Bundestag, the lower room of Parliament. “From the current perspective, it is therefore obvious that it is a historic and political genocide”, writes the project.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
Germany will adopt a resolution recognizing as a “genocide” famine in Ukraine provoked eighty years ago by the Stalinist regime, according to a coalition and opposition resolution project, revealed Friday November 25.
This one, deposited by the coalition in power formed by the Social Democratic Party (SPD), the Greens and the Liberals of the FDP, as well as by the conservative opposition CDU-CSU, will be debated next Wednesday at the Bundestag, The lower room of the Parliament.
In 1932 and 1933, around 3.5 million Ukrainians were victims of the “Holodomor” (which means in Ukrainian “hunger extermination”) committed by the Stalinist regime. The crops were confiscated in the name of land collectivization.
This famine is part of the list of inhuman crimes committed by totalitarian systems which made millions of human lives disappear in Europe, especially in the first half of the 20th e century “, Condemns the draft resolution, consulted by the France-Presse agency.
This crime “is part of our common history as a European”. “It is all of Ukraine that was affected by famine and repression, and not only its regions producing cereals,” said the draft resolution. “From the current perspective, it is therefore obvious that it is a historic and political genocide,” he adds.
Russia categorically refuses such classification
This classification as “genocide”, a concept forged during the Second World War, also has a current meaning with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. “Once again, violence and terror must deprive Ukraine from its vital bases and submit the whole country,” said the environmental deputy Robin Wagener, who is one of those who are at the origin of the text. Qualify the Holodomor as “genocide” is a “warning signal”, according to him.
Russian President Vladimir Putin “is part of Stalin’s cruel and criminal tradition”, denounces, moreover, Mr. Wagener.
Ukraine has been campaigning for years for Holodomor to be recognized as a genocide. Russia categorically refuses such a classification, because the great famine which raged in the Soviet Union in the early 1930s did not only made Ukrainian victims, but also Russian, Kazakhes, German Volga or other peoples.