The National Cybersecurity Center (NCSC) of Ireland has imitated cyber attacks on the country’s energy infrastructure system.
According to NCSC, the purpose of the exercises was to verify the procedures that ensure the readiness of the government, state bodies “and the corresponding interested parties to effective response to large-scale cyber intelligence, which affects a critically important national infrastructure.”
The exercises were attended by state and private organizations, including police and military, as well as energy companies and regulators: ESB Networks, Eirgrid, Gas Networks Ireland, Commission for Communal Services Regulation.
“The exercises also allowed us to test and coordinate our actions with our partners in the state and private sectors, including the police, defense forces and the main suppliers of energy and regulatory authorities, which allowed us to better prepare for cooperation in any real situations,” said he said After the exercises, NCSC director Richard Brown.
For the exercises, a third -party contractor was attracted, who ensured an imitation of a cyberurincient. The name of the contractor is not reported.
Recall that in May the National Health Service of Ireland (Health Service Executive (HSE) was forced to temporarily disconnect its IT systems as a result of cyber attacks using extortion software. Then the organization’s employees could not access the Online systems and electronic records of patients.