It is not always a good idea to subscribe to investments before the end of the year to reduce your taxes.
by Nathalie Cheysson-Kaplan
Find an investment before the end of the year to pay less taxes is a race in which some taxpayers are committed. With results not always up to their expectations. First of all because it is vain to be blinded by the tax advantage linked to a financial product without being interested in its characteristics, in particular the period during which its savings is immobilized, and especially its return. Some investments will only offer mediocre remuneration.
Then, before settling your sights on this or that investment in the tax exemption, you will have an interest in starting by taking stock of your tax exemption capacities.
It is indeed useless to seek to reduce the tax to be paid on your income by 2022 if you have already reached the tax ceiling of 10,000 euros with the tax reduction granted for the employment of a Home employee (the amount of which can reach 7,500 euros, or even 9,000 euros if you called for the first time in 2022 to a live employee without going through a service provider) and-ou if you benefit from a reduction Tax spread over several years granted in return for a rental investment carried out a few years ago as part of Duflot, Pinel, Censi-Bouvard, etc. H3>
If, as approaching the end of the year, it is too late to make a rental investment, SCPI (Civil Real estate investment companies) “fiscal” can allow you to benefit from the same advantages as the Real estate live, but with a smaller funding, while being rid of the concerns of rental management.
These SCPIs have the particularity of being invested in residential real estate, most often old with work in order to be able to take advantage of the Malraux, Denormandie, Pinel…
tax reductions
Main interest of this subscription at the end of the year: it is not necessary to wait for the end of the work to start to benefit from the advantage. The tax reduction is granted for the 2022 income if you subscribe before the end of the year.
parts of FIP and FCPI: to benefit from a increased rate
Another traditional end -of -year product accessible from a few thousand euros: common funds for innovation (FCPI) and local investment funds (FIP) devoted to the financing of SMEs not innovative and regional listed.
The subscription of these specialized funds opens the right to separate tax reductions, the payments being retained within the limit of 12,000 euros (single person) and 24,000 euros (couple) for each category of funds.
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