The INSA network wishes to access the social positioning index for high schools, a fact that unpublished by the Ministry of National Education, in order to target the most modest high school students and to support their candidacy in schools Engineers.
by soazig the nevé
It is a long -term introspection work that the seven national institutes of applied sciences (INSA), the first group of public engineering schools, have been carrying out for two years, with 22,000 students trained each year. The result lies in two hundred pages in a white paper, presented Wednesday, November 23, which recalls the original ambition of the network: fight against corporate assignment.
born at the turn of the 1960s, at a time when France lacked engineers, these schools wondered sixty years later on “the illusion of equal opportunities” that they maintained, particularly the latter years, at a time when, again, engineers are missing – the deficit is estimated at more than 5,000 graduates per year, according to the conference of directors of French engineers (CDEFI).
The INSA have seen students from a few years from modest and disadvantaged social backgrounds: in 2021-2022, 69.9 % of their engineering students are of very favored origin and the rate of crisles on social criteria , from 30.4 %, continues to erode ( – 3.3 points in six years). In addition, only 5.2 % of stock market students are the highest levels (5 to 7), which is “very low” in view of the rate of 12.3 % observed in higher education, underlines the white paper .
“The observation of illusion of equal opportunities requires today to propose rupture actions, explains Bertrand Raquet, president of the INSA group and director of the Toulouse INSA. Our Postbac schools have a great responsibility for Social ascent. We display the desire to register as experiments, demonstrators “, in sight” to embark other establishments which share our desire for social opening of selective sectors “.
A specific recruitment route
Among the many proposals that dot the report, the most innovative is to create – on the model of Sciences Po and the ZEP high schools in 2001 – a specific recruitment route in the first postbac first year, reserved for students from social backgrounds disadvantaged, educated in certain partner high schools, selected on social and territorial criteria. “These students could benefit from an individualized and in -depth examination of their application file and additional methods compared to those of other candidates of the general sector, such as for example the evaluation of a project carried out in high school and/or a Compulsory maintenance “, details the white paper. Support on the economic, academic, cultural and assistance in professional integration would be established during the five years of the course.
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