Left and majority had granted themselves, Friday at midday, on a common formulation to include this right in the Constitution, in its article 66: “The law guarantees the effectiveness and the equal access to the right to Voluntary pregnancy interruption “.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
The National Assembly adopted, Thursday, November 24, to a large majority, the proposal for a constitutional law “aimed at guaranteeing the right to voluntary termination of pregnancy”: 337 votes for, 32 votes against and 18 abstentions.
✅ Protect and guarantee fundamental right to voluntary pregnancy interruption and contraception | ASSE… https://t.co/dw6apmvhpb
This text, supported by the majority, was put on the program of the National Assembly by the deputies of Insoumise France (LFI) as part of a “parliamentary niche”, a day allowing a minority group to fix The agenda in the hemicycle.
Left and majority had granted themselves, at midday, on a common formulation to register this right in the Constitution, in article 66 :” The law guarantees effectiveness and equal access to the right to the voluntary interruption of voluntary interruption pregnancy “. The initial proposal of the “rebellious” also mentioned the right to contraception, making some fear the establishment of a right to limitless abortion. This change of writing, from transpartisan work, therefore aimed to lift these reluctance.
The rewriting amendment has been largely adopted, by 226 votes to 12, and 15 abstentions. Forty elected officials from the National Rally (RN), out of 55 voters, have rallied there, while Les Républicains (LR) deputies divided. Right and extreme right had argued that they judged these unnecessary debates, the right to abortion is not, according to them, threatened.
proposition supported by Dupond-Moretti
With this abortion protection text, it is a question of “protecting oneself from a regression” as recently in the United States or elsewhere in Europe, pleaded the leader of “rebellious” deputies, Mathilde Panot. Faced with a hemicycle supplied on the left, she cited Simone de Beauvoir: “It will suffice for a political, economic or religious crisis, so that women’s rights are questioned”.
After the vote, the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, praised “a historic vote, a great honor, a great emotion”. He had supported this text, “more than necessary in these agitated times”. And deplored a “little parliamentary obstruction game” with “dozens of amendments” deposited by opponents of the bill.
The National Assembly had adopted, last February, the lengthening of the legal deadline to resort to an abortion, from twelve to fourteen weeks of pregnancy. The text, at the initiative of the opposition deputy Albane Gaillot (ex-LRM) but supported by the majority, aimed to respond to a lack of practitioners and to the gradual closure of the centers practicing abortion. The text had aroused great opposition from part of the right.
Eight months after its adoption, “there are places in France where women are still not taken care of beyond twelve weeks of pregnancy, and that we redirect to centers that apply the law” Denounced in an article in the world the doctor Laura Marin Marin, spokesperson for the National Association of Abortion Centers (ANCIC), which brings together health professionals practicing abortions.