The bill aimed at abolishing corrida, which is to be debated Thursday in the National Assembly, is carried by the deputy of Paris, militant of the animal cause, whose personality divides on the benches of the Palais-Bourbon.
by Mariama Darame and Mathilde Gérard
Aymeric Caron cultivates paradoxes. He does not wish to be labeled “MP for animals”, but his first feat of arms in the National Assembly relates to the abolition of bullfighting. He does not want to be the elected representative of “media blows”, says he has already given in the matter when he was a columnist in sight in the program “We are not lying” (from 2012 to 2015), but the text That he defends has awakened in recent weeks the ardor of television set commentators. He regrets being reduced to this text on bullfighting, not to make the titles of the newspapers when he goes to a psychiatric hospital or meet families waiting for accompanying students with disabilities, but in the ‘Hemicycle of the National Assembly, he becomes more discreet, leaving his comrades of Insoumise France (LFI) to go up to the niche on social subjects.
Co-founder of a radical ecology micro-partner, rallied to LFI for the legislative elections, Aymeric Caron, who had dethroned in June the outgoing Pierre-Yves Bournazel (Horizons) in 18 e Railing of Paris, saw his political baptism with the examination, Thursday, November 24, of his bill aimed at abolishing corrida. The text, presented as part of the LFI parliamentary niche, experienced a first setback on November 16 with a rejection in the law committee.
The proposal divides all the ranks, pushing the neoteputized to campaign in the corridors of the Assembly and the media to unroll his arguments. The bullfight would be, for its supporters, the expression of a plural France rich in its local cultures? It is for Aymeric Caron, on the contrary, a “separatism”, a term he takes up at the presidential camp to describe the derogation granted to the Taurin regions, in the name of an “uninterrupted local tradition”, to the prohibition of acts of cruelty on domestic animals. “When you demand a differentiated treatment of other French people, it bears a name, it is called separatism,” says the deputy.
“individualistic attitude”
When aficionados defend, through bullfighting, a celebration of the animal and its strength, the deputy responds by clinically detailing the length of the pikes planted on the side of the bulls, the bands broken in pairs, the estoque can pierce the diaphragm and cause frequent hemorrhages.
But it is the argument that the initiative, which concerns around fifty municipalities and a thousand bulls put to death per year, would be “anecdotal” which irritates it most. “Obviously the subject may seem anecdotal alongside other problems in the world, but on the symbolic level, what he carries is essential on our relationship to the living, defends Mr. Caron. It is almost more a proposition as law for humans only for animals. “
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