The institution receives more than a million calls each year – mainly for questions about over -indebtedness and the famous “Banque de France” ficing. A unique number has just been implemented.
by Aurélie Blondel
How to join the Banque de France by phone? Since the end of October, a unique number has existed for metropolitan individuals, usable from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 6 p.m.: 3414 (not surcharged, at the cost of a local call).
“In 85 % to 90 % of cases, the appellant has access to an institution’s interlocutor in less than five minutes,” assured Mark Béguery, director of individuals, during the presentation of the service, on 22 November, specifying that the institution had previously “two hundred call numbers on the territory”.
The 3414 can only be used for requests for general information or appointments, it is not intended to deliver nominative information. “These are always agents of the Banque de France who respond to this issue, and the establishment of it takes place without prejudice to our ability to welcome individuals on site,” said Mr. Béguery. Adding that it is also possible to inquire or submit requests window On the Internet and by mail (Banque de France, TSA 50 120, 75 035 Paris Cedex 01).
torn ticket, fraudulent payment
Each year, the Banque de France receives more than a million calls. Most frequent reasons: questions related to over -indebtedness (38 % of calls in recent months) and incident files (24 %): the file reimbursement incidents to individuals, the central check file and the national file irregular checks.
A in ten call also aims to make an appointment; One in twenty to learn about the right to account. A person residing in France who does not manage to obtain a bank account can indeed ask the Banque de France to designate a bank which will be obliged to give them access to the basic services.
This right has been improved in recent months. Since the end of December 2021, it has been accessible even if you already have a joint account – a measure in particular reserved for victims of domestic violence. And, since mid-June, the applicant can launch a procedure even if he has not yet had a letter of refusal to open an account, as soon as he proves having made a request at least fifteen days before. A first assessment of these measures must be fired next spring.
If we most often call the institution to understand why we find ourselves “Banque de France” and how to react, or when we face important financial difficulties, “the reasons for [ ] calling them are very diverse, “notes Mr. Béguery. “Some people wonder if their bank has the right to delete their overdraft, which they must make a damaged ticket, if you can have two booklets A, how to obtain the refund of a fraudulent card, etc. . “
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