The candidate for the presidency of LR proposed on Monday the wearing of the uniform “including at the university”, during the debate with his competitors, who pointed out the inconsistency of this position. On Wednesday, he finally said he wanted to “leave freedom to universities” in this area.
Aurélien Pradié let himself be carried away by proposing to impose the uniform at university? The proposal was born during the debate between candidates for the Presidency of the Republicans (LR), Monday, November 21, on LCI. The Lot deputy declared himself in favor of the wearing of uniform not only at school, as he proposed so far, but also “at university”.
“I propose that now all our students wear the same clothing for two objectives: an objective of imperative secularism (…), but also a social objective objective [e]”, he Launched as he debated with his competitors Eric Ciotti and Bruno Retailleau on the theme of secularism and the wearing of the veil. He continued by adding that it was necessary to “rearm the Republic” in terms of secularism, because “school, college, high school, the university are sacred spaces”.
The journalist Ruth Elkrief then revived him by asking if the wearing of the uniform he wishes to set up would apply to university. “Yes, including at university. In any case, I have no problem with that,” replied Mr. Pradié.
“I have never spoken of a uniform at the University “
then questioned about this new proposal from their opponent, the two other contenders for the Presidency of LR opposed it directly, judging the proposal of Mr. Pradié hazardous beyond secondary. Bruno Retailleau said “doubting the application of uniform outfits at university” when Éric Ciotti said he was “certain that for an adult at university is admitted”. “We would have some reaction movements in the Amphis, and we have enough tensions like that,” he added.
Questioned on his words on Wednesday, Mr. Pradié tried as best they can to reproduce them, making a back machine. “In schools, colleges and high schools, I don’t want any religious sign,” he first launched at the microphone of Europe 1 , before continuing: “On the question of universities, yes, I think we have today a battle to fight.”
Constituting on several occasions having “never talked about uniform at university” and avoiding reminders, Aurélien Pradié then redirected his argument: “It is necessary tomorrow that the law leaves freedom to universities, if they want, to set outfits, I do not say uniform, but to have a clothing of belonging “, for example” a polo shirt “or” a sweatshirt “carried by all the students” during exams “.
On the question of wearing the religious veil, Aurélien Pradié has already been the subject of criticism of his own camp in recent weeks. The candidate of “Social Right” harmed his position on the subject on the occasion of his campaign for the Presidency of LR, saying to his ban in public space. But extracts from past interviews have resurfaced on social networks, highlighting its reversals.
At the antenna of France Inter , the secretary general of LR thus affirmed in 2019 : “In a museum, a regional council, or in the street, I have no problem for a woman to be veiled or that someone is wearing a kippah! On the other hand, school time is public service and the Laïcité. “He added:” I would be the first to defend women who want to wear the veil in public space. “