Diplomats gathered in Egypt have been able to exchange, behind the scenes, on the hard points of negotiations which will start in early December in Canada.
by perrine mouterde
The long -awaited call did not come. Political, scientific personalities and representatives of civil society had hoped that COP27 would be an opportunity to assert the importance of the future global conference for biodiversity (COP15) and the need to protect nature a priority, In the same way as the fight against climate change. But if the question of the degradation of ecosystems was widely discussed during the two weeks of negotiations in Charm el-Cheikh (Egypt), the final text fails to explicitly mention the COP15, which will open on December 7 in Montreal (Canada) .
“We cannot resolve the climate crisis without nature, and if we have noticed progress in Egypt, the absence of reference to COP15 is a great disappointment,” said Nina Seega, director of research at the Institute for sustainable development leadership at Cambridge University (United Kingdom). “The final text recognizes the importance of nature in the mitigation of climate change, but omits to mention the crucial opportunity that is COP15, also underlines the director of Campaign for Nature, Brian O’Donnell. He is disappointing And counterproductive to see that the obstacles to a more integrated approach persist, despite the calls of Aboriginal scientists and peoples. “
The COP15, described as “COP of the decade”, must make it possible to adopt a new world framework to stop and reverse the loss of biodiversity by 2030. The Final press release G20 , adopted in Bali (Indonesia) on November 16, while COP27 was held on the banks of the Red Sea, explicitly underlines the decisive character of this meeting. Several paragraphs of the text adopted by the twenty main economies on the planet very clearly call for the adoption of a “robust and ambitious” agreement in Montreal and the mobilization of additional financial resources to implement it.
Fear of a lack of political momentum
“When we saw the G20 press release, we thought it was possible that there is a reference to COP15, but ultimately, that was not done, says Nina Seega. Soaps that climatic and biodiversity crises are interconnected and that they must be resolved in a joint manner, otherwise we risk failing on the two tables. “Climate disruption should become, during the century, the main pressure factor for species and ecosystems. And managing to strongly limit warming will be impossible without better protection and restoration of ecosystems such as forests and oceans, which constitute important carbon wells.
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