Directed by the Bedoin and Ivry Serres agencies, the building is part of the particularly dense context of the city of the Alpes-Maritimes. The jury, mainly composed of architects, spoke of a project “of crazy poetry”.
by Isabelle Régnier
It was at the Charles-Nègre media library that was all on Monday, November 21, the 40th square of silver, this award organized every year the AMC magazines and the instructor. Directed for the city of Grasse (Alpes-Maritimes) by the BEAUDOIN and IVRY Serres agencies, the building fits into the very dense context of the old town, overhanging the water tank which feeds the center, and offers it A large and bright public space. Barded by a screen of white columns with a brilliant white that serves as a sunshade, he radiates in this deprived district and dialogue with his architecture.
“An architecture lesson”
The jury has not praised on this project deemed exceptional, “out of time”, “of crazy poetry”, “which will play an important role in the neighborhood”. Mainly composed of architects, chaired by the famous professor and theorist of architecture Jacques Lucan, he saw it “an architecture lesson”. Admiration for its complex structure which multiplies the shady overhang, for the links it offers between the interior and the exterior, for its vaulted volumes all in length, for the dialogue which it establishes with the other monuments In height of the neighborhood-if it is constructed in concrete, it is to meet the constraints of this seismic site, and to support these formidable overhangs, it was specified, to prevent criticism … enthusiasm … For a “everyday object” which meets all the issues, whether climatic, constructive and social, and produces what must be called harmony, which one of the jurors has defined as “what makes us happy “.
Beautiful way to celebrate architecture. This enthusiasm shared by the members of the jury reflects the quality of the projects they debated. And more particularly the commitment and maturity encountered among young architects. Struck by the files presented in the “First Work” section, they praised the propensity of these young project managers to question the programs, to go beyond the order, to reinterpret it, detecting a “real breath” And “a hope for the profession”. The price went to a pedestrian gateway made by NU architecture and engineering for the town of Brides-les-Bains, in Savoie. The nursery school produced by the Rijsel studio for the town of Vendegies-sur-Ecaillon, in the North, has received a special mention. The presence of the Minister of Culture, Rima Abdul-Malak, at the ceremony, Monday evening, at the Théâtre Le 13e Art in Paris, could only consolidate the jury.
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