Mincifers proposed new section of software for resolving special entrusts in economy

Minzifra proposes to supplement the classifier of programs for electronic computing machines and databases by section “Industry Applied Software” and introduce 20 new classes. The corresponding draft order was published on the federal portal of draft regulatory acts.

In particular, it is planned to supplement the classifier for the classifies “Information Systems for Air Transportation”, “Information Systems for Transportation Processing”, “Information Systems for solving industry problems in the field of rural, forestry, fishing”, “Information systems for solving industry tasks in the field of mineral extraction ”and others to solve specific problems in individual sectors of the economy.

The draft order also implies the addition of the existing sections of “Built -in software”, “System software”, “Funds for ensuring information security”, “software development tools”, “Applied software”, “Industrial software”, “” Data analysis tools with new classes. At the same time, it is proposed to exclude the class “Information systems for solving specific industry problems” Section “Applied Software” and the class “Automated information systems for air transportation” of the section “Applied Software”. It is also proposed to adjust the description of the class “means of identifying target attacks” of the section of information security.

In the explanatory note to the order, it is noted that “the draft order was developed taking into account the proposals of industrial centers of competencies for the replacement of foreign industry products and solutions, including software and hardware systems, in the key sectors of the economy and competencies for the development of Russian common-system and applied and applied systems prog

/Media reports cited above.